PDSC 2013 – 2nd Place Winner, Chelsea Brist!

Our 2nd place winner is Chelsea Brist with the Put a Bridge on It design!!!! We asked her to write a little about her self below – get to know the gal behind the design now!


Winner_2nd_Chelsea BristSo a little about myself: I’m just finishing up my last 2 terms at the Art Institute of Portland, studying Apparel Design. My dream job is to be a freelance textile/surface designer or costume designer. I love creating prints on the computer as well as getting my hands dirty with dyeing and screen-printing.

Not only do I love fashion and creating things, I really enjoy taking pictures of nature/anything Portland. In fact my winning design was a picture I snapped on my phone while driving over the St. Jonhs bridge. One of my favorite things to do is to walk around Cathedral park and take pictures of the architecture of the bridge. Besides fashion though, I really love Oregon football (GoDucks) and NBA basketball and Disneyland!

I feel so lucky to have won this contest! Thanks sooo much!



Read about the 21st Place PDSC Winner, Karina here! 

Read about the 3rd Place PDSC Winner, Ami here!