PDSC 2013 – 1st Place Winner, Karina Reed!

The 1st place winner of the  Karina Reed with the Toe-Tal Recall design!!!! We asked her to write a little about herself below and she did, which is great! Get to know the winner of  the 2013 Portland Design-A-Sock Contest and how she came up with her winning design!


Karina _Winner_1I am a senior at the Art Institute of Portland, where I am studying apparel design, with hopes of working as a print and textile designer after graduation. I am currently working at Cycle Dog, a Portland-based pet brand that makes dog collars out of recycled bike inner tubes.

When I’m not working, going to school, or doing homework, I love to cook, craft, make terrible jokes, and drink astonishing amounts of coffee.

I really wanted to create a sock that I would want to wear, and that spoke to a Portland mentality. I was definitely inspired by the city’s bike culture when I designed “Toe-tal Recall.” Who doesn’t want to feel like a cyborg while pedaling to work? Before the contest, I owned 1 pair of Sock it to Me socks (Black and White Bikes), and wore them on the first, and last day of the contest for good luck. I guess they worked!


DSCwinner_Karina ReedKarina visited the SITM Headquarters the other day to recieve her $1000 cash prize and her 15 pairs of Sock It To Me Socks!

Soon you can have cyborg fee! Keep an eye for here design to pop up in our new designs next year.

Read about the 2nd Place PDSC Winner, Chelsea here!

Read about the 3rd Place PDSC Winner, Ami here!