Oldies but Goodies

Semisonic said it best – “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”  While we’re absolutely ecstatic about all the awesome, brand new styles coming out very, very soon (and, man, there are TONS of new designs!), we’re also sad to see some of our most beloved, old styles slip away.  Like all good things, they eventually had to come to an end, but we couldn’t let them go without a little bit of recognition.

So, in honor of our vintage classics – the designs that started this great sock journey with us – we’d like to take a much-deserved moment of silence.


Our “Rocko” sock, named after Carrie’s cat – striking resemblance, right?


Here at Sock It to Me, we do tend to enjoy “off-the-wall” humor a bit too much (as most people would gingerly phrase it).  Sadly, not as many people enjoyed our “Rainbone” socks as much as we did.


Honestly, guys, who doesn’t love tacos?! It was a heart-wrenching loss, but we had to let the “Taco” socks go.

Bike Chain

Not surprisingly, we’ve had a lot of requests to bring our men’s “Bike Chain” sock back in stock.  We always love customer feedback, so we’ll see what we can do!


“Lucha” in his original colors.  This one didn’t do as well, but the counterpart black and red “Lucha” is a favorite!

Rescue Rabbits

Ahh, our VERY FIRST Design-a-Sock contest winner!  This one definitely leaves us with some bittersweet memories!


Talk about an oldie — our very first sock design ever!  It might be the memories, or maybe we’re just a little biased, but this one’s still pretty awesome!


Feeling a little sentimental after looking at all of these old designs?!  Well, you’re in luck!  Here’s an oldie that you can still purchase!  But get it while you can – this one is being discontinued when we run out of stock!


Rest In Peace, sweet sock designs!



  1. I’m a recent SITM devotee & I’m very sad to learn that I’ve missed out on something as awesome as the Rainbone. Here’s hoping it comes back! n_n

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