The New York International Gift Fair: Our excursion out east!

Sitm Blog NycOn January 26-30 the Sock It To Me team headed to the East Coast for the New York International Gift Fair® (NYIGF®)! The gang braved snow AND freezing temperatures (us Portlanders are definitely not used to this NYC way of life) all in the name of socks; but thankfully, now the East Coast is well-stocked with our awesome designs!

The NYIGF took place at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in downtown NYC (but, you could probably figure out the location from the title) and is considered to be the nation’s premier gift, home and lifestyle marketplace – a great place for great gifts like we have! During the five days, there were 2,800 exhibiting companies showcasing goods and gifts across the home, lifestyle and gift spectrum just waiting to spruce up homes, special occasions and, in our case, feet.

Not only were there plenty of New Yorkers there in attendance, there were global buyers as well – who will hopefully help take our socks worldwide. NYIGF reported over 35,000 attendees from all 50 states and 80+ countries – wow! It was really fun to chat with people from all over and get to know the other vendors in attendance; such a fun vibe all week.

“It was also great to meet face to face with current customers,” said SITM President, Carrie Atkinson. “Several of them raved at how popular the socks were for holiday shopping and expressed trouble keeping them in stock even after multiple orders! Awww, hearing that just warms our heart and gives us the mojo to keep going!”

While out East, the gang also had a chance to enjoy the NYC restaurants! Carrie and crew had a really awesome time at Max Brenner, restaurant and chocolatier.

It was soooo yum, the best part being s’mores at our table! With raspberries and bananas too! Best hot cocoa we’d ever had and so many chocolate fondu options – we were sad we only had room for one. We also had some press meetings with fancy magazines like Teen Vogue and InStyle to name a few. We got mani pedis, did a little souvenir shopping and spent the rest of the time working in the booth or recovering/resting from working in the booth.

Next up, we’re going to Vegas! We’ll be attending the POOL TRADESHOW Feb 19th- 21st and experiencing what the City of Sin has in-store for us (hope nothing too “Hangover”-y – we won’t be hanging out with any tigers).

Getting as much exposure as possible for our products is how we reach all of you out there! Hopefully, our fans out in Las Vegas will be able to come out to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center and say hello!