Meet the Sock: Beers on Bikes

2016-02-SPRNG16-MTS-MEF0150These men’s crews are wheelie excited to tell you about themselves.


SITM: What are you bringing to the Sock It to Me line?

Beers on Bikes: The best way to travel to hoppy hour.

SITM: What’s your superpower?

Beers on Bikes: Helping you and your crew cruise like new.

SITM: What is your life philosophy?

Beers on Bikes: Put the IPA between your lips.

SITM: What is your favorite song?

Beers on Bikes: 99 Bottles of Beer on a Bike.

SITM: What is your perfect date?

Beers on Bikes: Pedaling to some pilsner, riding to some reds, two wheeling to some wheats.

SITM: Who do you look up to?

Beers on Bikes: I’ve got a big head; I don’t really look up to anyone.

SITM: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Beers on Bikes: I can’t tell you what’s brewing, but I’m gearing up for something huge.


Keep up with fashion and get yourself a pair of Beers on Bikes.