Cast Your Vote!

BranchBlossomsThe deadline for the Design-A-Sock contest has come and gone, but it’s not over yet. Now comes the fun part: The Voting. And guess what? We want your help.

While we can’t show off all 700 or so submissions, we have narrowed it down to 19 finalists. View them all (minus the yet-to-be disclosed Grand Prize Winner) online and vote for your fave. We’ll award 2nd and 3rd place winners based on YOUR votes. Pretty cool, huh?

How? you ask. Well, find us on Facebook, be our fan (if you’re not already our fan… tsk, tsk), and then scroll through the Photo Album tagged “Design-A-Sock Contest 2009”. Find one you “like” and give it a thumbs up. That’s all. But remember: You get one vote, and one vote only, so make it a good one!

BTW, we’ll announce all winners, including the Grand Prize Winner, on October 9th. So stay tuned! xo



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