Can You Guess How Many Socks Are In the Container?

Ahhh – delivery day is such an exciting time at the Sock It to Me headquarters!  It’s like the holidays all over again!  We can’t wait to get our hands on those socks – the ones we spent hours pouring over the precise combinations of materials to create just the right amount of stretchiness or the color pallets to choose the perfect colors to really make the design POP.  Of course, this time was no different – especially because it contained our special holiday releases!  (There’s nothing more that we love than our socks, although the holidays are a CLOSE second – so what better combination could there be?!)

We patiently (and not so patiently at times) waited for the container to make its 11 day journey from Busan Port in South Korea ALL the way to the Port of Portland.  When the container FINALLY made its way to the Sock It to Me warehouse, we rallied the troops and got ready for the real labors of love – MANUAL labor.

The shipping company gives us 1 hour to unload ALL of the boxes before they start charging.  Once we got over the initial overwhelming feelings (“How could we unload ALL of them in just an hour?!”), we got down to business, and it quickly turned into a madhouse of boxes being lifted, dragged, and shoved into the warehouse.

Once the boxes were all unpacked, and the truck finally pulled away, we laid there rejoicing in our record unpacking time, catching our breaths, and wondering if we’d ever be able to feel our biceps again.  We LOVE to have a part in every single step of the designing process (including the unpacking – even though we sometimes change our minds when we’re actually unloading the truck).  As recovery set in, we started chatting about our amazing unpacking feat (once you’ve unloaded a 40ft container, you’ll feel amazing too!) and discussed just how many socks we had just carried.

And now we’d like to include YOU in the conversation – can you guess how many socks we unloaded from the container that day?!  Remember that it was a 40ft container!

Here are the rules:

        1. Entrants should EMAIL their guesses to  Please include your name and guess.

        2. Entrants have until midnight on Thursday, November 17th to submit their guesses.

        3. Submissions should include how many PAIRS of SITM’s are in the container.

        4. The winner who guesses the closest to the exact number of socks will receive 4 pairs of Sock It to Me’s!

Check out the pictures of our team in action!

The BIG Reveal!


Halfway there!


Almost done!


Standing proudly in front of our work!





  1. That’s a lot of socks. I would guess that there were 25,550 pairs of awesome socks in that there container.

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