Meet the Sock it to Me crew!!

Ever wonder who puts those socks neatly in those little packages you receive?  Or who you talked to on the phone when you called in?  Its little ole us!  See what kinds of things we like to do outside of socks, as well as stuff we like about socks.


Tell us your life story in haiku form:

Little kid Midwest
Later roamed around all over
Now checking it out


One kind of mean, but cute baby tiger errr… cat (Rocco)

#1 Food item:

Kraft Mac and Cheese from the box. I usually eat it once a week.

Pick One: Ninja/ Pirate / Cowboy

Ninja, duh! They are like totally the best.

Super power:

Raw celery radar! No me gusta celery, it has a really strong flavor, so I can pick it out in even the smallest amounts. So don’t you try slipping any diced celery into my chicken salad, I’ll catch you!

Cheese of choice:

For nachos and grilled cheese sandwiches, American is the way to go. I’m telling you….it melts so much better than the rest. (Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve bought and consumed at least one loaf of Velvetta this year.) For munching down on just some regular cheese I like extra sharp cheddar, smoked gouda, muenster, and mozzarella string cheese sticks are a couple of my favs. I’m not a fan of the stinky, moldy stuff.

Weeks ambition:

Make some progress on the art space in the garage, get some sun, hang out with cute boy.


Favorite Sock:

Hmmmm, I really like the simple 2 color stripped socks we carry for everyday wear, argyles look great w/a skirt for a classy look, and my current favorite pattered sock is our Dear Deer. He’s such a cute little guy.

What kind of tree are you:

The big old kind with really thick and textured bark that only big old trees can have.

# of socks in your sock drawer:

Uhhh, you mean sock drawers plural?? Well, I don’t have an actually count but I’d guess somewhere in the neighborhood of 200-250 pair that are actually in use.



Tell us your life story in haiku form:

Kona. Oregon.

New York City was neat. But

Portland is home.


Nibbler Cupcake Monster Kaipaka-McMannis the First. He’s a ferocious killer! 3 kitties that are really fat. 1 rock my mom gave me.

#1 Food item:

Salad Dressing. Not by itself. I eat a lot of lettuce and could not handle it without a different dressing every time. I have a rack of salad dressings. My favorites are balsamic vinegar and jalapeño ranch. I don’t need croutons or any of that crap but if there isn’t a good dressing on it, I’m giving the salad to my dog.

Pick One: Ninja / Pirate / Cowboy

Cowboy! I fancy the idea of riding horses while shooting people.


Super Power:

Mind control. I would not be noble with this power and would totally abuse it to make everyone on my block paint their houses neon colors and  buy ponies to stick in the front yard for my amusement.

Cheese of choice:

Dill Harvarti preferably not moldy. My guilty pleasure is buying a really good loaf of fresh bread at the bakery, some havarti, an avocado, and some turkey and then making the best sandwich ever. I then sit on my couch eating it until nothing else will fit in my belly.

Week’s Ambition:

To drive a tractor. It could happen.

Favorite Sock:

C12. I love me some turquoise. I am looking forward to the crew socks because my fattie legs don’t fit some of our knee highs well. I’m sure I will have a new favorite soon!

What type of tree are you?

Eucalyptus because it smells.

# of socks in your sock drawer:

I have more socks than all my other clothing combined. If I could sew well I would make a sock jump suit.



Tell us your life story in haiku form:

Hippies for parents

Write screenplays in my spare time

Karaoke for fun


A black lab named Baxter and a calico cat named GoGo

Kisa#1 food item:

Steak. The bloodier the better.

Pick One: Ninja / Pirate / Cowbow

Super Power:

I can leap short fences in a single bound.

Cheese of choice:

Cake. Does cheesecake count?

Week’s Ambition:

To drive a moving van down Portland’s narrow streets without killing any cyclists or destroying parked cars.

Favorite Socks:


What type of tree are you?

Wisteria- A twisted little tree, but smells nice.

Number of socks in your sock drawer:




Tell us your life story in haiku form:

Drool. Lick. Eat. Poop. Pee.

Love Love Love Love Love Love Love

Nibbler hearts sleeping.


Amber, Shawn

#1 Food item:

Liver is oh so good!

Pick One: Ninja / Pirate / Cowboy

Pirate for the booze.

Super Power:

Rubber Feet

Cheese of choice:

Any that falls on the ground.

Week’s Ambition:

To chase a cat or maybe fall asleep outside.

Favorite Sock:

Partial to leg warmers.

What type of tree are you?

I eat trees!

# of socks in your sock drawer:

If I had a drawer, I would put my dog treats in it. Not socks.


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