To Run or Not to Run

We don’t run. Well, we guess we should say we don’t run solo. Because we do run – but only when there’s a race and all of our girlies get together for the cause or the novelty of it (like the brilliant let’s-get-this-year-started “First Run” on New Years Eve).

But the thing is, they have all been 5Ks, which is only about 3 miles. So it’s been easy. Relatively. We don’t even train; we just show up. It’s great.

When we heard about the Oregon Wine Country Half Marathon in September, we just about dropped our coffee cup. Twice. Because, honestly, it’s WINE COUNTRY. Hello? Could there be better scenery? And just think of the post-run festivities. Surely there will be wine.

However, at some point, in the midst of our friend-gathering and excitement, we realized a Half Marathon is like, um, 13 miles. That’s more than four 5Ks at once. Back to back. What were we thinking?

The truth is, we weren’t thinking. But now we’re stuck. Now we have to take on this challenge. And dangit. We’re going to. Why not? There will be medics on site if we pass out. At any rate, we’ll have a commemorative wine glass good for tastings all over wine country. Who cares if we’re dehydrated and broken? All we can say is: : Look out Portland! The training is ON.

p.s. Thanks to Sarah from the Stroller Group for sending us these images. What a chic team of runners! We love the idea of running in matchy-matchy style. It’s so… BFF.SITM SITM 3