Meet the Sock: Foot Notes


Take the time to read the Foot Notes:

SITM: What are you bringing to the Sock It to Me line?

Foot Notes: A bit of song and dance.

SITM: What is your life philosophy?

Foot Notes: The key to someone’s heart is playing in tune.

SITM: What is your favorite song?

Foot Notes: The one we’re dancing to.

SITM: What is your perfect date?

Foot Notes: With someone upbeat who has a nice tempo.

SITM: Who do you look up to?

Foot Notes: Anyone who knows what this means: 8va.

SITM: What do you think about this sock & sandal trend?

Foot Notes: It isn’t really something I’ve taken note of.

SITM: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Foot Notes: Keeping a classic beat.

Foot Notes crews is the key to any music lover’s heart.