Meet the Sock: A Purrfect World


Cats and rainbows and shooting star laser eyes? We had to know more about this sock!

SITM: There are already a lot of cat socks, what are you bringing to the Sock It to Me line?

Purrfect: The best of what all the kitties have to offer plus wings to help me shoot lasers of love from my eyes!

SITM: What shoes do you think you go best with?

Purrfect: You won’t need shoes because I will help you fly with my shining wings!

SITM: Who is your sock idol?

Purrfect: I love ALL the socks! But especially all the kitty socks!

SITM: What’s your superpower?

Purrfect: Looooooove!

SITM: If you could be worn by one pair of feet, who would you choose?

Purrfect: All the prettiest cats of the world! Me-ow!


A Purrfect World: a cat heaven or mice hell? You decide!