Get to Know: Gamer Food


Level up your sock knowledge with Gamer Food’s interview. Their answers are really on point.


SITM: What is your life philosophy?

Gamer Food: Play with your food.

SITM: What is your perfect date?

Gamer Food: I think my perfect Player 2 would love to spend the evening with a roll of quarters in a neon wonderland breaking new records with me.

SITM: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Gamer Food: Hopefully with my name next to every high score!

SITM: What is your favorite song?

Gamer Food: Super Mario Bros Theme Song. I could listen to that on loop for hours.

SITM: What’s your superpower?

Gamer Food: I am guaranteed to raise your sock game by at least 5 points per foot.


Get ahead of the game in Men’s Gamer Food crew socks.