Get to Know: Cat Buds

Get to Know Cat Buds

Instead of the classic edible flower arrangement, we created a petable flower arrangement.


SITM: What other SITM style do you think you pair well with?

Buds: I think Kitty Willows and I would make a beautiful bouquet.

SITM: What is your life philosophy?

Buds: Just keep growing a little every day and you’ll bloom into the most purrfect version of yourself!

SITM: What is your perfect date?

Buds: Whatever you do, DO NOT show up with a bouquet of flowers!

SITM: When you’re on a foot, where would you like to go?

Buds: Gardens! I want to see what plants grow around the world! Do other animals bloom in flowers, or am I the only one?


Live in the meow, get yourself a pair of Cat Buds.