Get to Know: Camo of Kings


Kings are usually known for blending in, but this isn’t your normal king.


SITM: What is your favorite song?

King: I bet you thought I was going to say something from Lion King. Well, I’m not. So move on.

SITM: What is your life philosophy?

King: You don’t need to stand out of the crowd to be leader of the pack.

SITM: What is your perfect date?

King: With someone who doesn’t mind if I take the lion’s share of dinner. I’ll still give them the royal treatment.

SITM: What do you think of this sock & sandal trend?

King: How can you stalk your prey in sandals? That’s just ridiculous.

SITM: What is your super power?

King: My roar can knock you off your feet.


Before you enter the lion’s den, make sure you have these crews on.