Hello 2012! We managed to successfully survive the end-of-year chaos and squeeze in a little rest & relaxation over the holidays. But now that the ball has dropped, the confetti’s been swept up, and the champagne bottles have been emptied it’s time to recharge our batteries and jump right in to another crazy, exciting year at Sock It to Me!
We LOVE New Year’s (and not just for the party hats and bazookas), but because it lets us take a step back and think about all the things we want to do differently moving forward. Like almost everyone else out there that resigns themselves to New Year’s resolutions, we plan on improving ourselves in 2012 – and not just by dropping weights (although a few pounds would be awfully nice). Instead, we’ve come up with a couple of other ways for a “better you” to kick off the new year.
Amber wants to snazz up her wardrobe a little and start dressing more professional so that people will take her more seriously and she’ll feel better about herself. She even went out and bought her first expensive blazer (and we’re sure it looks amazing on her!). “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” We’re not sure who originally said it, but it’s a good motto to live by. Who doesn’t love bumming around all day in sweats and a t-shirt?! But there’s definitely a time and a place for that (preferably in your own house or the gym), and it always feels good to dress your best. Try it and let us know how it goes – bet it’s an instant pick-me-up!
Unfortunately, Santa didn’t deliver this year for Jacob, and he didn’t find a jet pack or a teleportation device under the Christmas tree. As an alternative, he plans on tuning up his bike and join the club of bike riders each morning by riding into work everyday. Saves the environment and helps get in a little exercise each day – two birds with one stone, right?
Carrie’s resolution is just to become healthier in general – which may not sound like a lot, but she’s trying for a complete lifestyle change. She’s upping her weekly gym visits from 2 to 3 or 4 (building the muscle for the next truck unloading!). Additionally, she’s making a few changes in the kitchen – healthier foods, more veggies, less processed foods – the whole she-bang.
You’ll see quite a few changes at Sock It to Me this year also. We’ve got several amazing, new styles launching soon, but we’re also looking to add a little diversity to the line as well. Stay tuned for the crazy designs we’ll come out with this year!
We’d love to hear your New Year’s resolutions! Feel free to send them in, or give us a little inspiration on ours (it’s always good to hear from people running the same race as you!). We’ll keep you updated on our progress! Wishing you all a Happy New Year, and good luck on your resolutions!